GeneralThis article applies to TeamViewer customers with a Premium, Corporate, or Tensor license.The TeamViewer Active Directory Connector (AD Connector) helps administrators to create and set up TeamViewer accounts easily and centrally for all employees in a company via Active Directory without the need of adapting and using scripts and programming knowledge.RequirementsTo use this feature you needa TeamViewer company profile (How to create your company profile)a valid TeamViewer Premium, Corporate, or Enterprise license for TeamViewer to download the AD Connector from our Integrations sitean API token from the Management ConsoleWindows Server 2012 or higher with Windows Powershell 4.0 or higherDownload the AD ConnectorYou can download the AD Connector from our website here.Run the AD ConnectorTo run the program, please un-zip the file and double-click the Configure TeamViewer AD Connector.bat file.Getting startedThe TeamViewer AD Connector has two main areas as Configuration and Scheduled task.

Active Directory Connector (AD Connector) - TeamViewer Support