
Google drive api rest
Google drive api rest

Berdasarkan Surat Edaran No 4 Tahun 2020 tentang pelaksanaan Pendidikan dalam masa darurat covid-19, salah satu point nya adalah proses belajar dilaksanakan dari rumah, sehingga menuntut pihak sekolah untuk membuat sebuah inovasi baru untuk proses pembelajaran karena tidak memungkinkan untuk adanya tatap muka dikelas. The result of developing this prototype is in the form of a system design consisting of activity diagrams, use case diagrams, class diagrams and mobile-based interface designKeywords - Application, learning, online, cloud, storage Abstrak - Pandemic covid-19 yang telah berjalan beberapa bulan terhitung dari April 2020 sampai sekarang September 2020 telah menyebabkan penyesuaian di berbagai macam bidang salah satu diantaranya adalah bidang Pendidikan. Therefore researchers intend to develop a cloud storage-based online learning application prototype by utilizing a variety of technologies including Laravel programming language, react native (mobile ), Firebase for the use of its database and the Google Drive API for file cloud storage.

google drive api rest

which causes many obstacles in accessing the WA group to download teaching materials from the teacher or sending reports on the results of daily learning.

google drive api rest

This research takes the example of a case in a private school in Bandung regency that implements online learning media through group wa found some of the deficiencies are for teachers there is no neat learning history because of its nature that continues to accumulate when there is an incoming message, for parents there is limited storage memory. The school and teachers make an agreement on how the method they will use. 4 of 2020 concerning the implementation of education in the Covid-19 emergency period, one of the points is that the learning process is carried out from home, thus requiring the school to make a new innovation for the learning process because it does not allow face-to-face classrooms. The Covid-19 pandemic that has been running for several months from April 2020 to September 2020 has caused adjustments in various fields, one of which is the field of education.

Google drive api rest